#1 – Development Variance Permit Approved
➢ After fulfilling the mandatory notice requirements and providing an opportunity for input from the public, Council approved the issuance of Development Variance Permit (DVP) #166. The Permit applies to the Curry Bowl restaurant located at 931 – 7th Avenue and varies the required number of off-street parking spaces from 16 parking spaces to 10 parking spaces.
One written submission from Joe and Diane Warshawsky of 951 -7th Avenue opposing the DVP was received by the City. The Warshawskys, who reside on the north side of the subject lot are concerned that the majority of the (parking) usage comes from the owner and staff of The Curry Bowl, that having restaurant patrons who park wherever they choose is already an inconvenience and that approval of the DVP to permit construction of the sundeck would compromise their privacy and enjoyment of property.
Approval of the DVP will now enable the applicant to move forward with plans to construct a 2nd storey sundeck above the addition of the existing building. Once completed, the sundeck will include 18 new seats to serve Curry Bowl restaurant patrons from May to September.
#2 – White Ribbon Campaign Launched
➢ On behalf of the Fernie Women’s Resource Centre and Elk Valley RCMP Victim Services, Mr. Colin Letcher of the Fernie Fire Department made a brief presentation to Council on the annual campaign to end men’s violence against women.
Started in Canada in 1991, the campaign urges men to speak out about violence against women. White ribbons and pledge cards promising to never commit, condone or stay silent about violence against women were distributed to Council and staff. Council passed a resolution stating that City of Fernie supports the White Ribbon campaign and will distribute the ribbons to staff and the community at City facilities.
#3 – Community Health Promotion Fund Application Approved
➢ Ms. Sarah Thomas made a presentation to Council noting that the program envisioned for the UBCM Community Health Promotion fund application has changed and will only include Isabella Dicken Elementary School and not the Fernie Academy as originally planned. Ms. Thomas explained that due to time constraints only one school could be included in the program this year.
The application for the grant is being made in collaboration with Interior Health and Isabella Dicken Elementary School under the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ Community Health Promotions Fund.
If successful, the funds will be used for a program aimed at promoting good nutrition, exercise and positive self-esteem in elementary school students in Fernie. Ms. Thomas requested and received Council’s support of the draft application submitted at the meeting.
#4 –Liquor Licence Application Supported
➢ A request for support of a liquor licence application and Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) policy exemption for the 2007 Mogul Smoker event was presented to Council along with a report from the Director of Corporate Administration Services.
The annual event which is being organized by the FernieFest Society is planned for Saturday, December 15th at #50 Coal Creek Road, the vacant property almost adjacent to the land fill site on Coal Creek Road. Organizers are applying to the LCLB for a liquor licence and a policy exemption that would enable them to operate an alcoholic beverage garden from 9:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. which will include the service of hard liquor. Council provided its support of the application, subject to the terms of the City of Fernie Special Occasion Liquor Licence Policy.
#5 – Zoning Amendment Bylaw Adopted
➢ Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2061 which changes the zoning for the property at 461 – 9th Avenue from R1-Single Family Residential to R2 – Duplex Residential. After a public hearing was held and the Bylaw was given third reading at the November 13th Council meeting, the Bylaw was referred to the Ministry of Transportation for comment and approval. The Ministry had no concerns with the Bylaw. Passing of the Bylaw means the existing duplex now conforms to the uses permitted in the R-2 zone.
#6 – Council Supports Cell Phone Tower in South Country
➢ During the public input period preceding the Council meeting, Mr. Chris Inglis expressed the opinion that he feels it would be an improvement to public safety if Telus and other cellular phone service providers were urged to place a cell phone tower in the South Country area of the East Kootenay.
He explained that with the number of recreational users in the area, emergencies do happen but cell phone service for the area which is a very important way for the public to call for help, is very limited. During the Council meeting a resolution was passed stating that Council will send a letter requesting cellular phone service providers to locate a cell phone tower in the South Country area of the East Kootenay for safety and public access purposes. Copies of the letter will be sent to Honourable Bill Bennett, MLA for the East Kootenay, the Regional District of East Kootenay and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.