#1 –Development Variance Permits Approvals
➢ Council granted approval to issue Development Variance Permit No. DVP-151 for a structural addition to the residence located at 16 Park Crescent. The Permit allows the applicant to vary the minimum front yard setback for a new carport from 7.5 metres to 6 metres and the projection of the eave of the carport into the front yard setback from the maximum of 1.0 metre to 2.1 metres.
➢ Approval was also granted to Development Variance Permit No. DVP-167 for the proposed redevelopment of a residence located at 622 5th Avenue. The Permit allows the applicant to vary the minimum front yard setback for the existing principal building from 7.5 metres to 5.3 metres, the maximum building height of the principal building for a small section of the turret roof only from 10 metres to 10.97 metres and the front yard projection for a 2.13 metre by 2.44 metre set of steps from 1.2 metres to 3.6 metres.
#2 – Special Occasion Liquor Licences
Council issued Special Occasion Liquor Licences to the following organizations:
TranRockies Challenge 2007 – an international celebration of cycling with teams from over 20 countries on five continents competing in the race. The Fernie TransRockies Society will be hosting the TransRockies Official Finish on Saturday August 18, 2007. The Society applied for a Special Occasion Liquor licence and use of City property with the intention of serving alcoholic beverages during their event. Council also approved street closures on Victoria Avenue between 4th and 7th Streets and on 6th Street between 1st and 3rd Avenues from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on August 18th for the event.
Fernie Lions Club – will once again host the Annual Demo Derby and Beer Garden on September 2, 2007 at the Rodeo Grounds. As in the past, the City will provide its water truck with a volunteer driver for dust control for the event.
#3 – Special Occasion Liquor Licence Policy
The two recent applications to the City of Fernie for endorsement of Special Occasion Liquor Licences and revised legislation under the Liquor Control and Licencing Act highlighted the need for a policy revision. Council requested additional clarification of the proposed policy and tabled their decision until the August 13, 2007 Regular Meeting.
#4 – Request for a re-designation to the lane between 9 and 10 Avenue in the 1400 Block as 9A
After reviewing the July 19, 2007 Report from the Acting Director of Operational Services which addressed
concerns outlined in a letter to Council requesting the re-designation of the above noted lane, Council denied the request to re-designate the lane between 9 and 10 Avenue.
#5 – Sewer Treatment Plant Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2047-2007 – Security Issuing Resolution
Council approved the borrowing of $800,000 from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia as authorized through the Sewer Treatment Plant Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2047 which was adopted on May 28, 2007. The purpose of the borrowing is to fund a portion of the Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrade. The City will also be seeking consent from the Regional District of East Kootenay for the borrowing over a period of 20 years and to include the borrowing in their security issuing bylaw.
#6- Development Variance Permit Application Approved – Council approved giving notice of its intention to consider issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-169 at the Aug 13, 2007 Regular Council meeting for the construction of 6.1 metre x 8.08 metre, one storey attached garage at 41 Ridgemont Crescent. If approved, the Permit will vary the minimum front yard and side yard setbacks along a portion of the east and north property lines and further, vary the projection of the eave on the proposed garage.
Persons who feel their interest in property may be affected by the issuance of Development Variance Permit 169 have the right and opportunity to express their views to Council orally or in writing prior to a final decision expected to be made at the Aug 13 Council meeting. Anyone wishing more information may contact Larry Randle, Director of Corporate Administration Services at 423-2231.
#7 – Watercourse Protection Development Permit Application Authorization
Council authorized Abram Consulting Services Ltd. to apply for a Watercourse Protection Development Permit and Approval Application for Changes In or About a Stream to the Ministry of Environment for City Owned and other lands. The land is adjacent to Cokato Road, Coal Creek and Brewery Spring
In conjunction with the closure of the former Fernie Landfill site and development of the proposed Blackstone Golf Resort, it has been identified that concrete rubble and waste materials placed on City lands could be removed and used to assist with the landfill closure.
If the Application is approved authorization would be given to Abram Consulting Ltd. or their designate to remove concrete rubble and related waste materials from those lands in accordance with the Permit.