Park Place Lodge

The implementation phase of the Short Term Rentals project has officially started.

The implementation phase builds on the work that was completed by the RDEK in 2021 and 2022 and contains the steps that are required for the RDEK to start regulating STRs within the Regional district.

This phase contains three key stages:
• Stage 1 – public and STR Operator consultation on a Short Term Rental (STR) Temporary Use Permit Policy, e.g. criteria or conditions for issuance of a STR Temporary Use Permit (TUP).
• Stage 2 – development of the administrative and regulatory frameworks required for the RDEK to issue, track and administer the new STR TUP program, e.g. developing application forms, templates, permit processes and required changes to RDEK bylaws.
• Stage 3 – roll-out of the STR TUP requirement for Operators of STR accommodation in the RDEK Electoral Areas, including the intake window for applications for a STR TUP.

The implementation process is just getting underway and during this first stage there is an opportunity for public input on the proposed Criteria about requirements for STRs to be able to operate under a STR TUP. The proposed Criteria will become a checklist as part of the permitting process to ensure that the proposed STR complies.

Click here to view the criteria

The RDEK is now seeking feedback on the proposed implementation until May 7, 2023.

Click here to provide your comments
If you have anyone in your life that does not have access to computers, a hard copy of the comment form is available upon request.

A project page has been set up for this new implementation phase and this will be the place to find all the updated information on the project along with contacts, etc.

Click here to view or bookmark the project page

If you have questions about the project, please contact Planning Supervisor Karen MacLeod at or in the Cranbrook RDEK Office at 1-888-478-7335 or 250-489-2791.

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