The Regional District of East Kootenay and CUPE Local 2106 have ratified a one-year collective agreement.
“I am pleased that we have reached an agreement that meets the needs of both parties and provides support to our employees, while at the same time creating certainty in light of current inflation,” says RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay.
The agreement covers the 12-month term January 1 to December 31, 2022. It includes a 3% wage increase retroactive to January, and a further 1% increase effective July 1.
“I’d like to acknowledge the excellent work by both parties throughout the bargaining process. Though the term is shorter, a tremendous amount of work has gone into this agreement and will continue in the weeks and months ahead,” adds Gay. Negotiations will resume immediately on a longer-term agreement for 2023 that will give both parties additional time in the negotiation process and help both sides gain a clearer picture of where the world economy is heading.
The 2022 agreement was ratified by CUPE Local 2106 on June 30 and the RDEK Board on Friday.