The RDEK Board of Directors has supported a motion by Area A Director Thomas McDonald to approve funding for an assessment of the current Hosmer Fire Hall.

“It is really important to me, and I know to a number of residents in Hosmer, to have this assessment completed so that we fully understand the current condition and deficiencies with the existing Hosmer Fire Hall before proceeding further with plans for a new fire hall,” says Electoral Area A Director Thomas McDonald. “Our ultimate goal is to ensure we are providing the best service for the Hosmer Fire Protection Service Area and this assessment is an important next step.”

The motion by Director McDonald was supported unanimously at the RDEK Board Meeting on September 8. RDEK staff will now begin the process of retaining a consultant to complete the assessment and will be working to have the final report completed as quickly as possible.
“We are also working on a communications strategy to help ensure residents can access information moving forward,” adds McDonald. To that end, a project page will be set up within the next week at A copy of the assessment will be posted on the project page once it has been completed and there will be ongoing updates as they are available. A Town Hall Meeting will be scheduled for this fall and the Hosmer Fire Hall will be one of the topics on the agenda.
The Board has approved up to $20,000 in funding from the Area A portion of the Elk Valley Tax Sharing funds for the assessment.