Highlights from the RDEK board meeting on October 2, 2015.
West Fernie Engineering Contract Scope Expanded
The engineering services contract with the Kerr Wood Leidal / MPE Engineering team for the West Fernie Servicing and Restructure Project has been increased by $104,967 to include the geotechnical investigation and service card survey for the upper part of West Fernie and Highway 3 crossing design.

Group Moorage on Tie Lake
The Board considered a referral from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) for a foreshore tenure to allow for a private group moorage at Tie Lake. The dock being proposed by the Tie Five Society would be located in front of land designated as public lake access owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The Board decided to inform MFLNRO that the RDEK does not support the application at this time and that the RDEK will consult with the public about foreshore management and private moorage on Tie Lake as part of the recently launched Official Community Plan process for the Jaffray, Tie and Rosen Lake areas. The final decision on the dock application rests with MFLNRO.

Public Hearings:
Thursday, October 22, 2015—7:00pm
Fernie Family Centre 521 – 4th Avenue , Fernie
Bylaw No. 2564—Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 – Amendment Bylaw No. 70, 2014 (Miscellaneous / RDEK)
Bylaw No. 2574—Regional District of East Kootenay – Island Lake Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2170, 2009 – Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2014 (Miscellaneous / RDEK)
Bylaw No. 2576—Regional District of East Kootenay – Fernie Alpine Resort Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2363, 2012 – Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2014 (Miscellaneous / RDEK)
Bylaw No. 2625—Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 – Amendment Bylaw No. 77, 2015 (Density Averaging / RDEK)