The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors will be meeting next Wednesday to go over the draft Five Year Financial Plan.
“The Regional District budget is complex as we have budgets for all of our more-than 100 services that make up the full Financial Plan,” explains RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay. “Years ago, we would have the budget discussions as part of our regularly scheduled Committee meetings, but over the past few years, we have scheduled a separate day to focus only on the Five-Year Financial Plan and have found that has had a positive impact on our budget review process.”
The RDEK Board will meet on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, starting at 10:30am in the RDEK Board Room at 19 24 Avenue South, Cranbrook. The meetings will also be livestreamed via Zoom. The agenda and Zoom links are available on the Agendas & Minutes page of the RDEK website. A copy of the draft Five Year Financial Plan will be posted on the same page by Monday evening.
The RDEK’s February Committee and Board Meetings will follow on Thursday February 16 and Friday, February 17 respectively.
Following the Board Meeting on February 17, Financial Plan changes approved by the Board will be incorporated and the draft Plan will be available for public comment.
The meeting schedule and agendas for the budget meeting, and Committee and Board Meetings are posted on the Agendas & Minutes tab at www.rdek.bc.ca