The Regional District of East Kootenay Board of Directors was officially sworn into office last week. One of the first official tasks of the Board was to elect its Chair and Vice Chair for the coming year. Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay was re-elected Chair for 2019. This will be his eighth term as Chair. Village of Radium Hot Springs Mayor Clara Reinhardt was elected Vice Chair.
Pictured Left to Right Back Row: Electoral Area B Director Stan Doehle, District of Sparwood Director David Wilks, City of Kimberley Director Don McCormick, Village of Radium Hot Springs Director Clara Reinhardt. Middle Row: Electoral Area E Director Jane Walter, City of Cranbrook Director Wesly Graham, District of Elkford Director Dean McKerracher, Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski, City of Fernie Director Ange Qualizza, District of Invermere Director Al Miller. Front Row: City of Cranbrook Director Lee Pratt, Electoral Area G Director Gerry Wilkie, Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay, Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok, Village of Canal Flats Director Karl Sterzer.

Appointment to Fernie Tourism Master Plan Task Force
Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski has been appointed to the Fernie Tourism Master Plan Task Force. Once complete, the Plan will identify key strategies that will help guide Fernie’s tourism development, sustainability and marketing over the next 10+ years.
Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Review Process Moves Forward
The Board has appointed Directors Sosnowski, Doehle and Wilkie as representatives on the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) Advisory Committee. The RDEK is currently completing a review and update of its Plan, which will have implications on how waste and recycling is handled in the RDEK for the next 10 years. The Committee will provide input and recommendations to the Board and RDEK staff throughout the review process, which is expected to take several months to complete. In addition to the Committee appointments, the Board received the Waste Composition Study Final Report, which summarizes the findings of a detailed waste audit completed by the RDEK earlier this summer in preparation for the SWMP Review.

Hosmer Fire Department to Offer First Responder Service
The Hosmer Fire Department is now equipped, trained and certified to provide first responder service within the Hosmer Fire Service Area. One of the final steps in the process is the approval of an agreement between the RDEK and BC Emergency Health Services. The RDEK Board has authorized the signing of the agreement. Once BCEHS approves it, the RDEK will notify the community and the firefighters will begin responding to first responder calls.