National Mining Week has come and gone (May 3-9) and now we can reflect on what this designation really means to the Elk Valley and other places of BC and Alberta.
It began as a way to recognize how very essential mining is to Canada’s economy as this industry provides job opportunities not only in mines but in the many related industries and businesses.
Here in the Elk Valley mining has been a staple for 150 years and remains the backbone of the economy.
On Friday May 8, the Sparwood Chamber held a luncheon to celebrate mining week with several guest speakers beginning with greeting from Angela Waterman Vice President of the BC Mining Suppliers who said that one million was raised by Teck for the BC Children’s hospital, $90,000 raised by Robin Sheremeta Vice President Operations Coal Division and $10,000 by MLA Bill Bennett. She added that over 25 million dollars have been raised over the years for the hospital by Teck and also that for every mining job there are two indirect jobs created in the supply sector.
A presentation by Jim Crandles from Port Metro Vancouver followed. He said while one in five workers are from the Kootenays, one in five oppose coal shipments from Port Metro. More information needs to be communicated to educate people on the merits of metallurgical coal. Metallurgical coal is solely used to make coal and that is what is mined in the Elk Valley. He also touched on climate change and thermal coal’s role in producing electricity and adding to the problem.
Mr. Sheremeta began by saying safety is a core value and that high potential incidents had been halved and that that the environment water quality plan has been approved. Coal is facing challenging times, demand of coal for China is down and the stronger US dollar has mitigated a price decline of the Canadian dollar, everyone is waiting for the coal to find the bottom, to level off, “this is crystal ball stuff.

MLA Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines was the keynote speaker and said that the “price of coal is going up, I just can’t tell you when.” Bennett also spoke about the Koocanusa area. He said people should be allowed to camp for a couple of weeks on crown land for free but should not down cut trees and should not abuse the land with motorized vehicles. He added that this May long weekend will have increased patrol with two natural resource officers, CO’s and RCMP officers who will be issuing tickets and fines.
The East Kootenay Mines Industrial Safety Association’s 94th Annual First Aid and Mine Rescue Competition hosted by Greenhills Operation Teck Coal Limited were held in Elkford this past Saturday.
The annual banquet was held in the evening to hand out the awards. MC was Jason Smith with a welcome given by Geoff Brick, president of the EKMISA for 2015 and Mine Manager of Greenhills Operations.
Robin Sheremeta, Teck Coal VP Operation, attended as did Ian Kilgour, Teck Resources Exec VP and COO, who gave a welcome speech as did MP David Wilks and MLA Bill Bennett. Standing in for Mayor Dean McKerracher was acting mayor Ken Wildeman, other dignitaries present were Fernie Mayor Mary Giuliano, Karin Greenlees, Teck Coal Safety and Health, Jerrold Jewsbury Ministry of Mines Inspector of mines and Chief Judge and senior judge Allan Day. Winners of the three–person First Aid was 1st Elk Valley Operations 2nd Greenhills, Jason Kallies got best written (Dan Dunbar award), Dan Balance was the winner of Best Captain (Jack Peters award), Line Creek was second place team and Elkview Coal got first place both teams will go to the provincials.
Congratulations everyone. Mining is important but as equally important is mine rescue. The men and women who are involved with mine rescue are special people. They truly deserve kudos for all the work they do to practice and learn all they need to know to do this job. Thank you and your families, the volunteers and everyone involved with this essential part of mining.