A lightening strike started a small fire in Fernie last night. Lightening stuck the Lizard Range in Big Steep Mother Bowl just before 7PM and fortunately the fire was quickly extinguished due to several factors.

People saw the strike and resulting flames and smoke, and immediately reported it. Fire crews immediately responded with two helicopters and a three person RAP Attack (Rappel) crews and extinguished the fire. The fire is in a ‘Being Held’ status, with sufficient suppression action being taken that the fire is not likely to spread beyond existing or predetermined boundaries under the prevailing and forecasted conditions. We are very appreciative and thankful to these outstanding citizens!
In 1908 the City of Fernie burnt to the ground and the fire came through Lizard Range, one bowl over from Big Steep Mother. Fortunately history didn’t repeat itself and last nights outcome was vastly superior however the fire hazard remains extremely high.

With continued hot, dry weather and a number of new lightning-caused fires in the region it is important to be prepared in the event of a local emergency.
A complete fire ban remains in place in the City of Fernie including firepits and fireworks.
Fernie Fire Ban Notice
To report an illegal fire in the City of Fernie call: 250-423-4226
If you see smoke or fire outside the municipal boundary please report it: *5555 on a cellphone or toll-free: 1-800-663-5555.