• #1 – Young Skater’s Achievements Recognized – Mayor Macnair recognized Stephanie Hornquist’s figure skating achievements which includes provincial and national recognition. Mayor Macnair thanked her for being a positive role model in the community and presented her with an engraved recognition plate.
• #2 – Students Make Presentation to Council – Representatives from the Fernie Secondary School Zero Waste Team made a presentation to Council outlining why automobile idling is a problem, detailing Canadian idling facts, idling habits in Fernie at Fernie Secondary School, City Hall and the Post Office, what positive things occur by not idling, exposing idling myths, and actions being undertaken to curb idling in Fernie.
The students provided the City with some aluminum “Turn Off Your Engine For Our Air” signs, two of which are already displayed at City Hall and across from the Post Office. The Team also provided Council with a booklet containing more detailed information on vehicle idling and examples of other local government programs, policies and bylaws for Council’s consideration.
• #3 – Board of Variance Bylaw Introduced – Draft Board of Variance Bylaw No. 2053, 2007 was introduced and given three readings by Council. The proposed Bylaw is expected to replace City of Fernie Board of Variance Bylaw No. 1731 which was adopted in 1996. There have been significant changes to provincial legislation since 1996 including introduction of the Community Charter which make Bylaw No. 1731 outdated and out of tune with current legislation.
The new Bylaw will establish rules and procedures for appointment and removal of members of the Board of Variance, establish how the Chair is to be elected, general procedures for the Board to follow, establish the manner and circumstances in which a person may make application to the Board of Variance and establish the role of the Secretary. The Bylaw is expected to be adopted at the next Regular Council meeting scheduled for June 25th.
• #4 – Council Appoints New Bylaw Enforcement Officer Council appointed Lisa Janssen on an indefinite basis as the City’s new Bylaw Enforcement Officer pursuant to the City’s Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw and the Police Act. Her appointment enables her to enforce certain Provincial Statutes as well as local bylaws.
• #5 – Council Awards Refuse and Recycling Contract
The City went to tender in May for a 5-year Refuse and Recycling Contract. One tender was received from Southeast Contracting Ltd. who has been providing services to the City of Fernie since June, 2005. The Director of Operational Services noted in his report to Council that the company is familiar with the operation, has provided the City with very good service and that their bid represents good value to the City, especially in light of recent significant increases in fuel costs. The 5-year contract for $808,000 was awarded to Southeast Contracting Ltd.
• #6 – Annual Report Presented – The City of Fernie 2007 Annual Municipal Report was presented to Council for information and is now available for public inspection at City Hall, the Public Library and on the City’s website. The Community Charter requires the Annual Report to include the audited annual financial statements for the previous year, the amount of property taxes that were exempted in the previous year, a report respecting municipal services and operations for the previous year, a progress report respecting the previous year in relation to the objectives and measures established for that year, any declarations of disqualification made under section 111 of the Community Charter, and a statement of municipal objectives, and the measures that will be used to determine progress respecting those objectives, for the current and next year. The Report also contains information regarding City Council, the City’s Vision, Mission and Values, organizational structure and a variety of un-audited statistical information. The Report is intended to be a comprehensive means of measuring progress towards established goals and objectives and communicates those results in a way that promotes greater understanding of municipal responsibilities, obligations and priorities.
The Report will be considered for approval at the Regular Council Meeting scheduled for June 25, 2007 where questions and submissions from the public respecting the report will be invited.
• #7 – City Invited to School District Meeting – A letter from School District No. 5 was received asking for input or proposals for the soon-to-be-closed Max Turyk school property and that the City provide information regarding what might assist the community in better offering services to residents. Council plans to send a delegation to attend the June 25th meeting in Cranbrook with the School District, as requested.
• #8 – Letter of Support Requested – Council received a letter from the Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) of the Southeast Region of B.C. requesting a letter of support identifying the need for their services and recognizing the positive contribution the Self-Employment Program has had in the community. The letter notes that 15 new businesses have been established in the Fernie area in the past two years with the assistance of the Program. The CFDC is preparing to submit a proposal to Service Canada to continue delivering its services. Council passed a resolution supporting the request.