The City of Fernie has directed staff to apply for $853,063 from the province’s Tourism Dependent Communities fund the ‘Journey to Iconic Fernie’ initiative.
Fernie Chamber of Commerce, the Community Energy Association, Tourism Fernie, and the Fernie Trail Alliance worked together on the project in alignment with the fund requirements.
The initiative was described by city staff as a program that if fully funded would provide future-proofed level two electric vehicle charging stations at the Visitor Information Centre and the Fernie City Hall, establish a multi-modal connection including bike-share between the Visitor Information Centre and downtown Fernie including “interpretive experiences and enhanced way-finding to connect visitors between these destinations” and fund enhancements at the Visitor Information Centre and nearby Fairy Creek Falls trail.
A complete list of the project’s initiatives as outlined in council’s staff report include:
– Provide future‐proofed Level 2 EV charging stations at both the Chamber of Commerce /Visitor Information Centre and City Hall in historic Downtown Fernie.
– Establish a multi‐modal connection including bike‐share between the Visitor Information Centre and downtown Fernie, incorporating interpretive experiences and enhanced wayfinding to connect visitors between these destinations.
– Fund enhancements to the exterior, landscaping, interpretive information, and parking at the Visitor Information Centre.
– Fund an iconic wooden sculpture by a local artist at the Visitor Information Centre and replace the East Community Entrance Monument Sign.
– Fund trailhead and trail enhancements for the Fairy Creek Falls trail to improve safety, interpretation, and the overall visitor experience.
See the details in the REQUEST FOR DECISION presented to Council on November 23, 2020: 2020-11-23 RFD Tourism Dependent Communities Grant