Park Place Lodge

Sergeant Joe Caravetta’s contribution to the Elk Valley as a part of the Conservation Officer Service has been recognized with a 30-year long service award, as well as Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.

“I am very humbled and honoured to have received this medal,” commented Caravetta. “I would like to thank first and foremost my family and those I have been mentored by, worked with, and the community that has helped me.”

The B.C. Governor General and the Minister of Environment presented Caravetta with his 30-year long service award in Victoria. He is one of eight Conservation Officers in the province to be honoured for his ongoing service to the public, community, and country with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Born and raised in Fernie, Caravetta was brought up enjoying what the area had to offer for fishing, hunting, and trapping. His career began back in 1977 with the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch, working on studies in the Flathead, Elk Valley, Koocanusa Lake, and Whiteswan Lake areas.

Caravetta went on to serve as an Environmental Officer at the start up for the Line Creek mine, assisting in the development of fish and wildlife studies, before returning to work for the government.

During his time with the Conservation Officer Service, Caravetta has been from Bella Coola to Castlegar, followed by Dease Lake and Grand Forks.

“I have enjoyed my tour of duty as a Conservation Officer, have made many friends along the way, and have no regrets of the places I have worked,” Caravetta said.

While working with the Special Investigations Unit, he completed roughly 40 investigations.

Caravetta returned home to Fernie in 2004 as the District Officer for the Fernie office.

In 1997 he was honoured by his peers and nominated as a B.C. Conservation Officer of the Year, as well as receiving a certificate of outstanding service from the North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers’ Association.

Caravetta was promoted to Sergeant Conservation Officer for the East Kootenay region in 2008, allowing him to continue working out of Fernie. He remarked, “This is an awesome place to have been from and an even more awesome place to work.”


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