We’d like to invite you to imagine a future in which nature and economy go hand in hand. In which we work together to keep our water clean, our landscapes wild and our community sustainable. We invite you to imagine a place where you feel rooted and connected, where your life is in balance, where you are inspired.

This dream of a connected, sustainable community doesn’t come about by itself, but we at Wildsight Elk Valley believe it’s possible. Together, through our combined actions, we can make an enormous difference.
This year, Wildsight Elk Valley focused our efforts on Sustainable Food. Food that is sourced locally uses less fossil fuel to get to you. Food that is grown without chemicals is better for you and for all living things. Food that is accessible across class and income level strengthens the fabric of your entire community. In other words, focus on food and the effects will be felt far and wide.

Thanks to your support and passion, the EcoGarden continues to be an important hub of sustainability education and practice in the Elk Valley. Our school-based gardening programs teach elementary students how to think globally and act locally, empowering them to grow their own gardens, from seed to harvest.
Our by-donation Apple Capture program put local, organic apple products on your tables and in your pantries. Because of your generosity last year, we were able to add a third apple grinder and press to our fleet!

Next year, we’d like to make even more equipment available, adding additional food preservation equipment such as pressure canners and dehydrators. This will help us reach an even greater number of people, including people who may not traditionally be associated with Wildsight.
Our dreams are big but together we are mighty. We need your help in order to continue working together for sustainability, for balance, for future generations.
Please support our work in the Elk Valley. You can make a one-time donation or join our monthly giving club by donating $25 a month for the next year (less than $1/day). As a monthly donor, you join a very special group of people who sustain us as we grow.
Together we can make even greater leaps towards creating a community in which humans and nature can thrive—a community of connection, of inspiration.
p.s. Everyone who contributes $100 or more will receive 1L of fresh-pressed apple cider!