Happy New Year to you, your family and friends! The New Year came quickly with the bonus of 70cms of snow to play with during the last few days. Moving from powder to social to family and back to powder gave me little time to collect my thoughts on 2011. In a nut shell here it is:
2011 was a La Nina year without question, the snow fell for a month after the lifts were closed and we didn’t ride our trails until June. The mountain biking just got better and better in Fernie with great trail work from the clubs. Events in Fernie came together with weekend downtown showings all summer long. City Hall looks better than ever with the Coal Miners Walk. Heiko Socher is making an effort to open a new ski hill named Heavens Gate that embraces locals. And a new council and mayor will lead Fernie to a new benchmark. May 2012 be as great as 2011!
And for the last day of the year I celebrated with family and friends on the ski hill and in town, well into the evening. Here are some shots of the activities: