Fernie’s Griz Days has been recognized as one of Canada’s best winter parties by John Lee in a Special to The Globe and Mail. Fernie Griz Days a big community event that engages locals and thrills visitors.
The term ‘Griz’ comes from Fernie’s mascot ‘The Griz’ who represents a historic icon and tale and why Fernie receives an abundance of snow each winter. Griz Days event features activities for all ages over a three day period including an evening parade, fireworks, live music, the famous Extreme Griz Competition featuring Axe Throwing, Leg Wrestling, Cocktail Mixing and more, Kids Storytime, Commit Rail Jam, broom ball, street hockey, Baby Griz Race, the Raging Elk Dummy Downhill, FAR’s Big Bump Bash Event and much more. And don’t forget to get your Griz Days button otherwise you may end up in jail!

This is what John Lee wrote:
My approach to winter used to involve staying indoors, hugging steaming mugs of tea and waiting for spring to unfurl its warming arms. Then, I attended Griz Days in snow-draped Fernie, B.C.
The friendly little Rocky Mountains ski town lures tuque-topped visitors in late February with its long weekend of parades, drinking, outdoor music, more drinking and – the highlight – the annual Griz contest, a kind of beauty pageant for beardies.
During the event, intrepid participants don furs and straggly facial hair in hopes of being crowned that year’s Griz – a mythical mountain character who, legend says, brings abundant snow to the town. What does the contest involve? Axe throwing, leg-wrestling and quite a lot of bleary-eyed drinking.

Just watching the contest – beer in hand – was the most fun I’ve had while wearing three pairs of socks at the same time. On my next visit, I might even participate.
Well, we knew the work was going to spread, great parties like Griz Days are a challenge to keep secret.
This years Griz Days are scheduled for March 4th to 6th!
For more on John Lee’s Special to the Globe.