Park Place Lodge

The Ghostriders defeated the Kimberley Dynamiters 5-2 in front of 1140 fans on a rare Monday night game in Fernie.

Tim Crawley ( Fridella- Werner) scored the Ghostriders first goal on the PP midway through the first but Nitro Matt Foster evened the score later on and the first ended tied at one.

The teams traded goals in the second with Foster scoring his second goal in the first minute with Mason Spear getting  the assist on that goal and on the first goal. We wanted to tell you that mostly because we think Spear is a great hockey name and he leads hit team in PIM’s. Anyway, Brendan Hawryluk -photo to the left- scored on a nice feed from Mike Wiest and Jesse Niemi to end the period tied at two.

In the third Brendan Hawryluk scored his second goal on a perfect top corner shot –from Fridella and his brother Bond. Then it was Jesse Niemi from Strachan and Boldon scoring and finally on the PP it was Bond Hawryluk scoring on an excellent feed from brother Brendan and Niemi for a 5-2 win.


The shots ended up 44-24 for the Riders but could have been a lot more lopsided if the boys could hit the net. They must have wasted 20 shots by hitting posts, boards and glass by the end of the second period alone… It took almost half of the game to find their range but Niemi and the Hawryluk’s eventually started finishing all their chances and the Nitros at the same time…. Brendan was the first star with 2 goals and an assist, Niemi the second with a goal and an assist and Bond the third with a goal and an assist….Nitro goalie Tory Caldwell got away with shoving his stick in James Werner’s face in the second period during a multi player scrum but by the third he was probably wishing he had been kicked out…Tremendous fight between Rider Zach Traverse and Nitro goal scorer Matt Foster. These guys fired enough hay-makers to feed the Budweiser Horses for the winter…For the record that was Fosters 22nd goal…. At the end of the game on a play in the corner Nitro Cory Allen hit Rider Mike Anderson with his elbow square in the back . The play was over and the hit was needless and felled Anderson. While everyone was just standing around like they were watching a card trick or something Evan Burgess (in the photo above) who has been around for a couple of years and knows better skated all the way in from the point and took a pretty good shot at the Nitro player. Thank you Evan! There was no Rider PP after the hit but it was easily worth it at this time of year and in that game situation.

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