A proposal in Electoral Area A to amend the Official Community Plan and zoning designation of multiple properties known as the Galloway Lands to permit increased residential development on a piece of private property adjacent to Fernie Alpine Resort will be going to public hearing.
“During our Planning and Development Services Committee Meetings on Thursday, we heard from the applicant and several delegations who spoke to a number of items that are important to the Board and the wider community when considering this application. I’d like to acknowledge and thank everyone who participated in the process,” says RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay.
The Committee carried a motion recommending against proceeding with further consideration of Bylaws 3102 and 3103. However, during the Board’s deliberation Friday, Directors instead voted 9-6 to give first and second reading to the bylaws and authorize a public hearing.

Process was a key focus for many of the Directors in their decision to move forward with a public hearing, citing the importance of public hearings in the governance process. “The purpose of a public hearing is critical in the consideration of a Bylaw as it allows people on all sides of a proposal to have a formal opportunity to share their position and have that become part of the public record,” explains Gay.
The public hearing will be held over the course of three nights on June 14, 15 and 16 via Zoom, with the provision that additional dates can be added if required in accordance with the Local Government Act. Anyone interested in speaking will be required to register in advance. Registration details and the Zoom link will be posted once the RDEK has finalized the details. The public hearing will be livestreamed and available for all to observe.
Now that the public hearing has been authorized, any written submissions received between now and the submission deadline that will be posted in the Public Hearing Notice will be included in the public hearing report and form an official part of the public record.
The RDEK is working to finalize the details of the public hearing as quickly as possible. The Public Hearing Notice will be posted on the RDEK’s website, in newspaper advertisements in June and on the E-Know website under the Public Hearings Section.
See more on the Galloway Lands here.