Fernie experienced an above average snowfall and most of that snow is still hanging around in the Alpine. The recent hot temperatures started our giant melt and we are enjoying spring.

Take note that the snowpack blue line is above the historical average. It has dipped slightly and with any luck we’ll have a slow melt with no flooding and our trails are slowly opening!
To date only Fernie’s lower trails are open; the Dyke Trail, Coal Heritage Trail, parts of the Trans Canada Trail, Swine to Far Side, Cemetary By Pass, Kiddy Up, Sidewinder, Brocken Hip, and the bike park trails.
The Wigwam Flats, Elk River Rim trails, Wardner to Cranbrook section of the Trans Canada Trail, and Cranbrook Trails are snow free and people have been hiking, cycling and dog walking these trails since mid April.

Wigwam Flats Advisory
Wildlife managers are reminding the public that at the Wigwam Flats only non-motorized use is allowed beyond the Elko gate and that all dogs must be on a leash.
Mountain bikers are not allowed along the Wigwam River rim roads and trail from March 1st to June 14th because of the Bighorn Sheep lambing season. Please be respectful or bikers access could be denied.

The red GPS tracks show the area open for cycling and the blue GPS tracks show the seasonal closure. Always stay on the established roads and trails and do not disturb the animals and the grasslands.
Tick Season
It’s that dreaded time of year again, it’s tick time! South Country has a generous share of ticks that are typically found in arid grassland and forested areas.
Ticks are small bugs, about the size of a sesame seed, which feed on the blood of humans and animals, and sometimes transmit diseases.

It is important to check for ticks and remove them immediately following your activity. Usually they are climbing on socks and pant legs however they do bite. Use needle nose tweezers to gently grasp the tick close to the skin. Pull the tick straight out without squeezing it. After it is removed, clean the area with soap and water. See details here.
Although most tick bites are harmless, it is important to watch for signs of illness and see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice a bull’s eye rash or other symptoms. If you saved the tick, bring it with you to your medical appointment.

Last weeks ridge of high pressure brought seasonally hot temperatures to Fernie and has resulted in a rapid melt of snow pack at mid-elevation and the onset of the snow melt season at upper elevations. A high stream flow advisory is being observed in the Elk Valley and Kootenay’s however we are not experiencing any flood threat at this time. Experienced whitewater paddlers however have been busy chasing their fun!
Be sure to check your clothes for ticks and be aware of rising rivers. Get out there and enjoy the spring, it’s such an amazing season!