Congratulations to the Fernie Snowmobile Association on their diligent work in reopening recreation access to Fernie’s backcountry. Here is their announcement:
“We are beyond stoked to announce that as of January 14th, access to ALL Fernie snowmobile areas has been restored following the devastating atmospheric river events this fall.
This is the direct action many individuals that have worked hundreds of hours behind the scenes, our local businesses, and government partners who believe in the value that sledding brings to our community.
We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the FSA Executive Team, the work party volunteers, the City of Fernie, the Regional District of East Kootenay, Fernie Wilderness Adventures, Tourism Fernie BC, CanWel, Canfor, Ter Contracting, the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation – BCSF, Tom Shypitka, the BC Transportation and Infrastructure, the Engineering team at FLRNO, our incredible Corporate Partners and local businesses for their support.
And, of course, a huge thank you goes out to all our members and day use riders – THIS is your trail dollars at work.
It is critically important to note that we are currently operating out of a temporary staging area at Coal Creek that can only accommodate about 10-15 vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road. Trucks hauling trailers are NOT permitted as there is no turn around. Access to the parking area will be via St Margaret’s Road with the all new snowmobile trail beginning opposite River Road Extension. If this section of road is full or you are hauling a trailer – please stage out of Morrissey (20 min South of Fernie on Hwy 3) instead. Do not abuse this priveledge or we can expect the area to be closed.
Quick Corbin Update: we have worked with Canfor to complete additional logging beside the road in efforts widen the groomed bypass trail to better facilitate both hauling and snowmobile access. Please use caution as there is some woody debris and a few remaining tight sections. Active hauling – do not snowmobile on the plowed road.
Construction on the new permanent Morrissey bridge commences Jan 17th. More info on that shortly.
We also completed the first groom of the season up Hartley from the staging area to the East Fork of the Sulphur today.
Again – If you are stoked on these efforts, please support our community and the club by purchasing a membership or your day trail passes here.”
FSA President
Source: Facebook