The Fernie Golf Club is very excited to be opening the golf course for the 2020 season in phazes beginning on Wednesday, May 20th.
The Golf Club’s initial course opening will be for Fernie Golf Club members only and the date for the general public will be a week later on Wednesday, May 27.
To book your times call the pro shop at 250-423-7773 . On-line booking for public tee times is not available at this time.
Outlined below are the Covid-19 protocols now in effect.
The golf course has been organized in such a way that you can play 9 or 18 holes without needing to touch anything other than your own equipment from the time you enter the property until you leave. If you choose to rent a power cart or a pull cart we will have disinfected it prior to each use.
Fernie Golf Club Covid-19 rules and protocols as of May 10, 2020:
• You must have a tee time to come to the golf course.
• If you have flu like symptoms and are unwell, please do not come to the course.
• You cannot arrive sooner than 30 minutes before your tee time.
• One rider per cart unless you live in the same household.
• No score cards or pencils will be available.
• Car pooling with anyone other than household members will result in being asked to leave the facility.
• When parking, please allow for extra spacing if possible.
• Before entering the facility, we ask that everyone sanitize their hands.
• All golfers must check-in at the pro shop before teeing off.
• There will be a limit of two customers in the pro shop at any one time. Check-in can take place at the pro shop window.
• Only golfers with a tee time may use the practice range.
• The practice putting green can only be used by the group considered being “on deck” for their tee time.
• Each golfer should bring their own hand sanitizer and drinking water.
• All golfers must remain a minimum of 2 meters from all other players and staff while at the course.
• Please wait until the group in front of you has reached the first green before teeing off.
• All golfers must abide by any direction given by staff members.
• Rakes, ball washers, sand seed bottles and drinking stations have been removed.
• A local rule allows for lifting and placing your ball in a bunker. Please smooth the sand with either your golf club or foot after taking your shot.
• Do not remove the flagstick. The ball is considered holed if it touches the foam insert that is inside the cup.
• Any golfing group that cannot keep to the recommended pace of play will be moved forward to be back in position.
• Course bathrooms will be open.
• In the case of a frost delay or a lightening warning, you will be asked to wait in your vehicle until further instructions.
• Upon completion of your round please return to your car immediately. No physical contact with other players should take place after your round.
If everyone follow the above rules, everyone’s exposure to Covid-19 can be limited and keep the game of golf viable in the future.

The driving range is only open for those who have a tee time. We apologize for the inconvenience to those who wish to practice. We hope to open the practice facility to non-tee time users at a later date.
The Club House Restaurant is currently closed due to the Covid-19 provincial Health Order and will be reopening once the Order has been lifted.
Green fee specials: Early twilight rates for 18 or 9 holes beginning 1pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Sundays. For those who only have an hour to play golf, a 5 hole loop is $19. For daily specials please visit the on-line tee time booking system from our website golffernie.com
Seasonal memberships are still available at the early season discount rate. They offer unlimited, weekdays only, unlimited after 3pm, senior and intermediate (under 30 years of age) memberships.
For those who don’t play enough for a membership they offer a program that saves you 15% off all rounds and gives you one free anytime round for a price of $89, this is the 360 card offer.
The pro shop is open daily and there is lots of new stock to choose from at very competitive rates.
For changes and updates to this years Covid-19 protocols and programs visit golffernie.com.