The Ghostriders got their first win of the year on the road in Invermere Saturday night. The Riders led 2-0 after one 3-0 after two and 4-2 at the end of the game.
Kale Johnston scored the Riders first goal unassisted then Sam Plaquin scored on the PP from Ty Rebelato and Joel Burgess.
Tayler Sincennes scored the lone goal in the second on the PP from Dave Kelly and Dylan Robertson.
In the third the Rockies scored two, Sam Young-Ryan Lawson then Matt Bruyer scored unassisted to make it 3-2. The Rockies scored another goal but it was disallowed much to the dismay of the Rockies and Fernie radio announcer Kyle Christensen who thought it should have counted. Anyway Sam Plaquin scored his second on the night with 1:04 left in the game for the win.
The Riders outshot the Rockies 41-19 and had a big advantage in the good scoring chances as well. The Rockies discipline hurt them. Doan Smith took a 5 minute goaltender interference penalty in the first costing them a goal and goalie Brody Nelson attacked Kale Johnston in the third and got 5 for fighting hurting the Rockies chances of getting back into the game.
Overall it was a pretty good outing for the Riders in their first road game of the year. Unfortunately Captain Dylan Robertson was assessed a minor for head contact, and they are cumulative so eventually turn into suspensions. We are still waiting for the KIJHL to release the new Junior “B” Supplement but I hear that most of the rules are the same as last season.
Jeff Orser got the win in net even after he was attacked in the first… The Radio gave Sam Plaquin the first star,Joel Burgess the second star and Rockies Matt Bruyerthe third star… Josh McCulloch hit the post 3 times…Dustin Watt got a skate to the face in his first game as a Ghostrider after coming over from Golden.
Big shout out to Dustin Watt for taking a skate to the face and taken’ 16 stitches like a beauty.
Click here for the home game schedule.