Fernie Fire and Rescue Fire Protection Officer Brett Uphill is trading his structural firefighting gear for wildland gear and joining a team that will provide Structural Protection to the Doctor Creek Fire near Canal Flats.
As part of a cross-departmental response, Brett will work with other regional fire departments and gain valuable knowledge and experience that will aid in responding to future wildfire incidents.
Fernie wishes you well Brett Uphill – thank you for your service and thank you for representing Fernie!

RDEK Doctor Creek Wildfire Update
As crews continue to make progress on the Doctor Creek Fire southwest of Canal Flats, the Evacuation ORDER has been partially rescinded and downgraded to an Evacuation ALERT for 5 properties located on the northern and eastern sides of the fire.
The Evacuation ORDER remains in place for 5 properties closest to the fire.
“Today, a portion of the area, including Whitetail Lake and Blue Lake, has been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert; however, we want to stress to people within the Alert area that this is a large, active fire and they need to remain prepared and ready to leave again on a moment’s notice should conditions change and an order needs to be re-issued,” says RDEK Information Officer Loree Duczek.
The RDEK is urging residents and visitors using the area to consult the Evacuation Order and Alert area maps, continue to closely monitor updates on the fire and sign up for the Evacuation Notification System if they have not already done so. “These are all simple steps people can take to maintain situational awareness, which remains important no matter where you live,” stresses Duczek.
In order to support the response efforts and to protect the safety of the public and firefighting personnel, the BC Wildfire Service has an area restriction order of Crown land in effect in the vicinity of this fire. Effective at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, the size of the area restriction was reduced.
For the most current information please visit the bans and restrictions section of the BC Wildfire website for the Southeast Fire Centre.
The Doctor Creek fire is estimated to be 6,117 hectares in size and is burning approximately 25km southwest of Canal Flats in the Findlay Creek area.
“We want to acknowledge the resources that have been dedicated to our region and the incredible work of the BC Wildfire Service on this, and our other fires, in very difficult conditions,” adds Duczek. “It is important for all of us to recognize that while the Evacuation Order area is now a bit smaller, we all need to remain aware and diligent. The weather forecast continues to call for hot, dry and windy conditions and there is still a lot of fire season left ahead of us in the East Kootenay.”
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