Park Place Lodge

On Thursday, June 14, 2018 several City of Fernie employees were recognized with long service awards by Mayor Mary Giuliano on behalf of Fernie City Council.

The presentations were held at the City yards during lunch hour as staff and union members take a turn each year hosting the occasion by cooking up the burgers and hot dogs. This year it was great to see public works employees Gino Guzzi and Mike Poirier applying their talents at the grill cooking up burgers and smokies that employees, staff and Councilor Warshawsky and myself enjoyed.

This small event is a great way for workers from all departments to get together in order to recognize and acknowledge fellow employees that not only have been with the City for many years but also for their excellent service to our community.

Congratulations everyone. Your dedication and hard work is noted and very much appreciated. I also want to acknowledge someone that isn’t an employee but a contractor who has many years of service planting and cultivating the beautiful flowers and vegetables seen decorating our streets and city gardens each year. The local food banks have been the recipients of the delicious vegetables Pam has been harvesting. Thank you Pam McSkimming for your talents and care of the floral beauty and delicious vegetables you work so diligently to provide and sincere Thank you all for your years of excellent contribution to our town.

Another mention is long time employee Sharon Switzer who has just retired from the City. Sharon has a long history of caring for this community as an employee and as a volunteer. We Congratulate Sharon and wish her the very best in the future.

This year’s recipients of the long service awards are:
Troy MacLachlan, 10 years
Kim Sedrovic, 25 years
David Froese, 25 years
Douglas Mitchell, 25 years
Sharon Switzer, 20 years
Barbara Carrick, 20 years
Gino Guzzi, 20 years
Eric Gingras, 10 years
Randi Goertzen, 15 years

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