The Fernie Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 15 April (from 9:30am to 11:00am) and is open to all members and the public. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings the AGM will be hosted on Zoom this year and will be livestreaming on our Facebook page where people will be able to watch it after the fact. Voting members are strongly encouraged to register for the AGM by responding to their email invitation or registering at www.ferniechamber.com to receive the Zoom link and instructions on how to vote. A reminder that all members must be in good standing and have paid their 2021 membership dues in order to vote at the AGM.
The formal part of this year’s AGM will include the election of new board directors with five seats on the twelve-seat board reaching the end of their term. The Fernie Chamber has also confirmed several special guests at this year’s AGM. There will be welcomes and opening remarks to the Fernie business community from Chief Heidi Gravelle from Tobacco Plains, MP Rob Morrison, MLA Tom Shypitka, and Fernie Mayor Ange Qualizza. As well as a year in review from outgoing Chamber President Anita Palmer, Executive Director Brad Parsell will give a comprehensive presentation on the Fernie Chamber’s programming in 2020 as well as walking the membership through the Chamber’s 2021 Strategic Plan.
The AGM will conclude with presentations from Paul Vogt (President & CEO of College of the Rockies), Kevin Allen (Chair of Fernie Pride Society), as well as Cora Tschetters (Advisor from Haddad Financial Services) who will be presenting on the Chamber Group Insurance Plan which provides affordable health benefits to Chamber members. The full AGM agenda is attached to this press release.
All members and other interested parties are welcome to join the AGM on Thursday 15 April to celebrate the 119th year of operations for the Fernie Chamber of Commerce.
Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Fernie Chamber of Commerce Agenda
9:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks Heidi Gravelle (Chief Councilor of Tobacco Plains) Rob Morrison (MP, Kootenay-Columbia) Tom Shypitka (MLA, Kootenay East) Ange Qualizza (Mayor, City of Fernie)
9:45 Fernie Chamber 2021 AGM (Chaired by President Anita Palmer)
1. Call to order
2. Approval of 2021 AGM agenda
3. Adoption of 2020 AGM minutes
4. Presentation of 2020 annual report – Anita Palmer
5. Presentation of 2020 financial report – Michael Murphy (BDO)
6. Appointment of accounting firm for 2020
7. Election of board directors
8. Introduction of 2021-2022 board
9. Recognition of 2020-2021 board
10:05 Update from Executive Director (Brad Parsell)
• 2020 A Year in Review
• 2021 Strategic Plan
10:35 Kevin Allen – Chair of the Fernie Pride Society
10:40 Cora Tschetters – Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
10:45 Paul Vogt – President and CEO of College of the Rockies
11:00 Adjourn