Fernie Alpine Ski Team (FAST) is offering early bird pricing for athletes that sign up for their winter programs before the end of June.
Programs are offered from U8 up to FIS level. The U8 program begins at the end of December in the holiday period and will then run on ever Saturday until the end of March.
A non refundable deposit is required to secure the discounted rate, and registration must be completed by 30 June to get the full discount.
More details and Registration forms can be found at ferniealpineskiteam.sportngin.com/register
If you are new to the club and would like more information, please contact club president Mark Barron markbarronca@gmail.com
Fernie Alpine Ski Team (FAST) is one of Canada’s most accomplished Alpine Ski Racing Clubs based out of Fernie Alpine Resort in British Columbia’s Kootenay Zone.
FAST draws athletes from Fernie, Calgary, Lethbridge, and other parts of Southern Alberta and Southeastern British Columbia. The club has a culture of excellence coupled with a history of achievement. Currently, alumni of FAST ski with both B.C.’s Provincial Ski Team, Alberta’s Provincial Ski Team and Canada’s National Ski Team.
FAST offers ski racing programs for over 200 athletes from approximately 100 families annually. The club benefits from the tireless efforts of its volunteer base and enjoys substantial support from the generous sponsors in Calgary and Fernie.
FAST has been offering ski racing programs for kids for over 20 years. Many of our former racers continue to be involved as coaches and parents. Although FAST has grown over the years, it continues to provide its members the highest level of technical ski instruction as well as an enriched social experience for all family members throughout our Canadian winters.