Firing up the snow guns at Fernie Alpine Resort is a sure sign that opening day will soon be upon us. October’s snowfall has the resort looking white there is a decent snow base in the alpine. Yes, I do see tracks on the Bear in the photo below and they are from October 8th!

Those are patroller tracks and we’ll have to wait until opening day on December 5th. Early season snow and and snow guns are the main ingredient for opening however, there is a lot more happening behind the scenes. The Ski Patrol team and mountain maintenance crew have been busy with lots of projects.

FAR reports, “The Polar Peak weather station has a new home on the highest Ski Patrol hut at the Resort. We love our extreme terrain here in Fernie but having this weather station 100 metres down the ridge meant it was a difficult task to take the weather readings (the weather can be a little wild up there!). In its new home, we can better maintain it, in safer conditions.” This new weather information will be an asset for everyone.
FAR’s avalanche safety program is about to improve with the install of a removable remote avalanche control system (RACS) on the Lizard headwall above Dancer. The TAS O’bellx RACS system is based on exploding a hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture inside an open cone, https://fernie.com/blog/fernie-alpine-resort-installing-obellx-avalanche-system/. This system should greatly reduce the risk for FAR’s Ski Patrol team.
Spending a season at a ski resort is a great time, if you don’t have your season pass, get it now. The Fall Season Pass sale is now live.
If share a love of cooking and a desire to spend a season winter skiing and boarding, FAR is looking to fill multiple positions for sous, line, and prep cooks. These jobs can offer lots of ski and board time, work where you play, this could be a winter you’ll never forget! Check out the jobs here.
See you in the powder on opening day, it’s going to be a great season!
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