Why have you been hearing about the Farnham Glacier in the news this summer? Because it was the setting for two inspiring and powerful statements of opposition to the Jumbo Glacier Resort. After more than 20 years, you think you’ve seen it all, but then the people of the Kootenays find yet another way to say JumboWild!
The Jumbo Glacier Resort has their sights on 4 glaciers in the Purcell Mountains – Farnham Glacier is one of them. The Citizens for Jumbo Wild have established the Farnham Checkpoint to keep an eye on activities on the Farnham Glacier and monitor any construction taking place. Observe, record, report. People have been camping or day-tripping to do their part to keep Jumbo Wild and a minimum of 2 people per night have been sleeping in the Farnham Valley each night.
If you want to support, participate or visit the Farnham Checkpoint, please contact the Checkpoint Scheduler at: cdcamp13@gmail.com for full details. Camp protocols apply to all participants in order to assure a respectful response to all visitors to the Farnham valley.

The Farnham Checkpoint?
While summer ski operations have been announced (but not yet actualized), many outstanding commitments, in the Environmental Certificate and Master Development Agreement,(full details here), remain ignored and nearly impossible to achieve. These agreements are legally-binding. It is critical to monitor activities taking place to ensure compliance to these agreements and to keep Jumbo Wild.
Requiem For A Glacier
On July 27, the Farnham Glacier heard its first live symphony. More than 80 people participated in what may be the most creative form of opposition to Jumbo yet: a 4-part symphony lamenting the melting of the glaciers and the approval of the Jumbo Glacier Resort. Sung in Latin, the haunting words were a direct translation into Latin of the government’s Jumbo Resort approval. More details here.
Thank you for your support; together we will keep Jumbo Wild forever!
For Jumbo Wild,
Robyn and the Jumbo Wild Team