Updated at 7pm November 17, 2021
The Evacuation Alert for 11 properties in Hosmer has been lifted.
Last night The RDEK received approval to undertake in-stream work and the contractor immediately started working to remove debris at the confluence of Hosmer and Mine Creek to re-establish creek flow. The in-stream work has now been completed and the contractor will remain on site doing final clean up.
By this morning Mine Creek had dropped by almost two feet. While residents are still dealing with some standing water and pumping water from basements, the situation has stabilized to the point where the RDEK rescinded the Evacuation Alert.
Water levels continue to recede in other key areas of the Elk Valley, and creek levels on both Cokato Creek and Coal Creek have decreased since yesterday.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure continues to work to complete repairs on Cokato Road, which remains closed at the intersection of Thompson Road. Residents can access Cokato from both the north and south sides; however, the road itself is impassable at Thompson Road and is expected to remain closed for at least a few days.
Highway #3, four km east of Fernie, will be re-opened at 8:00pm tonight (Wed. Nov. 17) and the temporary detour on Dicken Road will be removed.
The RDEK has set up an online Property Damage Report form and is asking anyone in the East Kootenay who experienced damage to their home or property as a result of flooding from this storm to fill out a form. A link to the form can be found on https://engage.rdek.bc.ca. Residents are being encouraged to take photos of any damages and keep receipts incurred as a result of the clean up in the event the Province approves Disaster Financial Assistance.
The RDEK is asking everyone to obey all local closures on roads and trails. They are in place for your safety.