The Area Restrictions that were established around the Plumbob Mountain wildfire and Dewar Creek Wildfire have been rescinded due to the cooler, wetter weather and reduced fire activity. The BC Wildfire Service reminds members of the public that the Plumbob Mountain wildfire and the wildfires in the Dewar Creek area (Dewar Creek wildfire, Armour Creek wildfire and Haatsa Creek wildfire) are still active wildfires and caution should be exercised at all times while travelling in these areas.
Even if an area restriction has been rescinded, officials still have the authority under the Wildfire Act and its regulations to order anyone to leave the area. Before entering any area affected by a wildfire, please be aware that safety hazards may be present. Trees that have been damaged by fire might be unstable and could fall. Ash pits can be hard to detect and can remain hot long after the flames have died down.
Road closures and Area Restrictions are subject to change depending on fire activity. For the most current information please visit the Bans and Restrictions section of the BC Wildfire website at www.bcwildfire.ca