Residents of the Caithness Mobile Home Park in the Galloway area returned home Thursday evening after being evacuated from their homes earlier in the day.
“The evacuation order has been lifted and the fire is now classified as Being Held” says Information Officer Loree Duczek. “We would like to extend our thanks to the Emergency Support Services volunteers that were there for the residents.”
Firefighters from the RDEK’s Elko and Jaffray Fire Departments along with BC Wildfire Service crews responded to the 1.1 hectare wildfire at approximately 3:00 pm this afternoon. A total of 35 people checked in at the Emergency Support Services reception centre at the Elko Community Hall.
An Emergency Support Services Reception Centre was set up at the Elko Community Hall for residents of the Caithness Mobile Home Park in the Galloway area who were evacuated.
“A total of 46 homes were evacuated and evacuees are asked to register at the ESS Reception Centre,” says Information Officer Loree Duczek.

15 firefighters from the RDEK’s Elko and Jaffray Fire Departments responded to the call along with 8 pieces of apparatus. BC Wildfire Service deployed an initial attack crew supported by both helicopter bucketing and air-tanker retardant drops.
“We are grateful to the members of our South Country Fire Departments and the BC Wildfire Service crews, who’ve responded by ground and air,” adds Duczek. Ascent Helicopters from Fernie supported the effort.