Elk Valley Hospice needs your support to help them fulfill their wish of a new bed and air mattress for the Palliative Care room at Elk Valley Hospital.
Donating to this cause makes such a tangible difference to the comfort of our patients during their palliative journey.
Elk Valley Hospice is dedicated to supporting our community and needs $7,000 more to reach their goal.
Donations can be made here.
Elk Valley Hospice is a registered charity dedicated to giving comfort, honour, and dignity to end of life patients and their families. They also provide bereavement services for those needing support while grieving the loss of a loved one. This is accomplished through compassionate, physical, emotional and spiritual support given by fully qualified volunteer companions. They are dedicated to educating Elk Valley communities about hospice and bereavement through outreaches and awareness events.
Hospice and Bereavement services are absolutely free, and are there to support everyone involved, from the individual and their spouse, to family and friends,
Care, comfort, and support is the sole reason for the existence of the Elk Valley Hospice.