The East Kootenay FireSmart Program (EKFP) program will be hosting events for Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on May 4th.
“This is a national campaign that encourages citizens to take actions that increase their home, neighbourhood and community’s resilience to wildfire,” says RDEK Protective Services Manager, Christina Carbrey. “We have seen the very real and devastating effects that wildfire can have right here in our region, and we are urging residents to learn more about how they can prepare themselves and their families in case of wildfire emergency.”
The East Kootenay FireSmart Program (EKFP) will hold a Wildfire Community Preparedness Fair called Ember Stomp at the Jaffray Community Hall from 10 AM – 3 PM with over 20 support services scheduled to provide information on how to prepare your home, property, and family in case of Wildfire. The EKFP will also be set up at the East Kootenay Emergency Management Program Emergency Preparedness Fair in the parking lot of Western Financial Place in Cranbrook from 10 AM – 2 PM.
For more information and event details, visit engage.rdek.bc.ca/firesmart.
“The responsibility for being prepared in case of emergency belongs to everyone. This day is a great time to focus on educating yourself, your family, and your workplace on what is means to be ready for wildfire,” adds Carbrey.
To learn more about Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, visit www.firesmartcanada.ca.