Back on September 28th the Ghostriders teamed up with Fernie Ford and did the Drive one for your Community event. It was a cool day and it rained constantly but 240 fans showed up and took a test drive in one of the new Ford cars and trucks. For each test drive the Ford Motor Company donated $20 to the Ghostriders Scholarship fund and a total of $4800 was raised. The weather was the worst we have ever had in the three years we have done this fundraising event but this year we had the most people show up for a test drive yet.

Photo Dylan Robertson, Ben Primeau, Aaron Neufeld and Austin Hirano are handed a $4800 check by Fernie Ford’s Dave Thompson
The Ghostriders thank all the drivers who showed up in the rain, Derek from the Radio station The Drive for broadcasting live, the Ford Motor Company and especially the Fernie Ford employees who showed up in the cold rain and stayed all day for their help in raising the scholarship money. And I personally thank the players who who were there first thing in the morning to help set up then stayed all day long cooking burgers and and going around the area soliciting drivers and standing in the rain on the highway holding signs. The players also helped tear down and put away all the tents etc at the end of the day …. and it was on a game day.
The Ghostriders play a home and home with their division rivals the Columbia Valley Rockies starting tonight and ending on Friday Dec 20th here in Fernie. After that they are off until December 28th when they play four games in a row starting at home against Kimberley and ending on the road New Year’s Eve in Creston.