The completion of the largest construction project in the history of the Regional District of East Kootenay was officially celebrated in West Fernie today.

RDEK Electoral Area A Director, MIke Sosnowski; the Honourable Lisa Beare, MInister of Tourism, Arts and Culture; City of Fernie Mayor Mary Giuliano

“Today marks an important milestone in the Elk Valley’s history as we officially celebrate the completion of a project that has been 12 years in the making. The completion of this project is the result of the determination and cooperation of so many. We are grateful to the Provincial and Federal governments for providing critical funding for the project. I also want to thank the staff at the RDEK and City of Fernie who have worked tirelessly to get to this point; the engineers and construction contractors who’ve worked so hard with the community over the past two years; and, the community who have been so cooperative and understanding throughout the construction process.” said Mike Sosnowski – Electoral Area A Director RDEK

The West Fernie Servicing and Restructure Project provided West Fernie residents and businesses with upgraded water and new stormwater sewer and sanitary sewer systems. The work included the rehabilitation of approximately 4.1 kilometres of potable water mains, approximately 3.4 kilometres of sanitary sewer and 3.3 kilometres of stormwater mains, and repaving of all the roads.

The upgraded water system replaces the previous system that was more than 50 years old and in deteriorating condition, while the new sanitary sewer system will allow 200 homes within the project area to move away from individual septic tanks. Finally, the new stormwater management system will provide better management of localized flooding, run-off and spring melt throughout much of the community.

With $16.4 million in available funding, this project was an exceptional example of cooperation as multiple funding sources contributed to making the project happen and multiple agencies worked together to bring it to a successful completion. Funding for the two-phase project included:
• $5,000,000 General Strategic Priorities Fund (Phase 1)
• $1,000,000 Community Works Fund (Phase 1)
• $240,000 Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Phase 1)
• $6,941,528 Building Canada Fund (Phase 2)
The remainder of the project costs were covered by borrowing and a contribution from the Electoral Area A portion of the Elk Valley Mine Tax Fund

Approved by West Fernie and City of Fernie residents in 2014, the West Fernie Servicing & Restructure project’s first phase of construction started in the spring of 2016, while the second phase of construction got underway in the spring of 2017. Properties in each phase of the project became part of the City of Fernie upon substantial construction completion.

Associated Links
For additional information on the General Strategic Priorities Fund.
Learn more about the Community Works Fund
For information about the Building Canada – Small Communities Fund.

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