The three clear, blue-green, spring fed alpine lakes are a natural beauty that attract many of us to Silver Springs. It is a getaway that offers hiking, cliff jumping and an overall enjoyable day that boasts one of the area’s finest attractions. However, we are not keeping the area in its known pristine condition. The popular spot in both winter and summer is starting to see more and more visitors which has brought many forms of damage with it.

What used to be a peaceful, solitary locale has evolved to ever-growing mobs of people in the hot summer months. Parties, fires in the dry forest and overnight campouts have caused damage where no facilities and bathrooms exist.
Volunteers and youth from the Fernie Christian Youth Group and Elk River Alliance have been cleaning up Silver Springs over the past number of years, yet efforts are being exceeded by the amount of damage. Most of the harm last year was related to the lack of bathrooms in the area.
Elk River Alliance is therefore reaching out for suggestions on how to improve the situation and ensure Silver Springs remains a beautiful recreational environment. Solutions brought forward so far have included a composting outhouse, posting “day use only” signs, better parking and government enforcing existing land use regulations and policies.
To provide input for the solution, please visit the survey available: Silver Springs Survey or the ERA Facebook page or website at Elk Valley River Alliance. “We are hoping to gather at least 100 local surveys, but the more input the better; it will take you 5 minutes!” says Lee-Ann Walker, ERA Executive Director. Survey closes June 20, 2014. Feedback will be used to develop a proposed solutions strategy to better steward Silver Springs.