Park Place Lodge

Krista Patterson, of the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA), will be presenting workshops on how to apply for Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) Arts, Culture, and Heritage Program funding, managed and distributed by the CKCA.

The Arts, Culture, and Heritage programs include: project funding for individuals and groups through Community Arts Councils; minor capital project funding; funding support to touring; arts and heritage mentoring/master classes; organizational development; major project funding; artists in education; major exhibition funding; major heritage capital funding; and funding for new heritage projects.

These workshops are free to the public and open to any groups or individuals residing in the Canadian Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for arts, culture, and heritage project funding. The program supports projects in all arts disciplines, including visual art, theatre, music, dance, media, literary, and inter-arts, and includes grants to individuals, as well as to arts, culture, and heritage organizations.

Dates, locations, and times are as follows:

Cranbrook – Saturday, March 8, 9:30-11:30 am
Hosted by the Cranbrook Arts Council
Location: College of the Rockies, 2700 College Way, Room 205

Fernie– Saturday, March 8, 3:00-5:00 pm
Hosted by the Fernie and District Arts Council
Location: The Arts Station, 601 – 1st Avenue

Creston – Sunday March 9, 1:00–3:00 pm
Hosted by the Community of Creston Arts Council
Location: Rotacrest New Horizons Hall, 230 19th Avenue North

For more information please contact the CKCA toll free at 1-877-505-7355 or e-mail

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