Park Place Lodge

The City of Fernie is looking for your feedback on their proposed 2020 budget.

Let the City know your thoughts by answering four quick questions here.

Each year, the City of Fernie is required by Provincial Legislation to create a formal budget for the revenues (taxation, fees, grants) it collects and how funds are spent to provide services for our community like policing, utilities and snow clearing.

Staff work to provide Council with a balanced budget as required by law, that supports the appropriate management of our assets, providing the services our community expects, and minimizes the impact on taxes and user fees.

For 2020, given the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant challenges facing our community Council directed staff to pursue a zero-percent tax increase to support our local taxpayers.

Delivering a zero-percent tax increase in 2020 will require temporary service reductions, deferrals and reductions in planned capital spending, and a corresponding reduction in transfers to some reserves for 2020. Details of the 2020 Budget are explained below.

Learn more about the City of Fernie 2020 Budget here.

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