The City of Fernie has been working hard to get their meetings in public and will reintroducing public input at Regular Meetings of Council, both online and in-person at the Community Centre. They are still going to zoom as staff will be remote and you will be able to watch online on their zoom windows via FB live.
Here is the City’s Covid-19 Update:
In-person meetings at the Community Centre will incorporate the following COVID-19 safety protocols:
– Maximum public occupancy of 10 attendees
– Separate entry/exit
– Hand sanitizing upon entry
– Sign in for contact tracing purposes, and affirmation that attendee is free of covid-like symptoms
– Mandatory mask-wearing, except where contraindicated (i.e., health preclusions, etc.)
– Signage directing traffic flow
– Sequential entry to and exit from the centre:
* The public will be allowed entry 5 minutes before the meeting is called to order
* Council will not exit the building until all public attendees have cleared the area
Note that meetings will still be streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live and available for viewing after the meeting at your convenience here.
To attend and participate electronically:
– Click on the link provided and you will automatically join when the meeting is started. You will be muted and will not be visible to other participants (video off) except as part of the attendee list, which is visible to the host (City staff).
– If you would like to contribute during a public input period, please “raise your hand” by clicking the “raise hand” button. The Host will indicate to the Mayor your wish to provide input and will send you a prompt to unmute your mic when appropriate. Note that while unmuted, your name and profile picture are displayed to the Host and panelists (Council). Only your name is displayed to other attendees.
– Once you have completed your comments, the Host will lower your hand and mute your mic.
To attend and participate by telephone:
– Please call 1.778.907.2071. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID, followed by #.
– Press # again to wait until the host joins the meeting.
– You will be automatically assigned an attendee number based on your place in the telephone queue.
– If you would like to contribute during a public input period, the following commands can be entered using your phone’s dial pad (*6 to mute / unmute *9 to raise hand) The Host will indicate to the Mayor your wish to provide input and will send you a prompt to unmute your mic when appropriate. Once you have completed your comments, the Host will lower your hand and you must mute your handset.

What’s Open in the City of Fernie (updated August 7, 2020)
The following City facilities are open and welcoming visitors:
Splash Park
City Trails
City Parks
Playgrounds at Rotary Park, 10th Avenue, and Ridgemont Park
Skate Park (closed at 10 pm daily)
Bike Park (closed at 10 pm daily)
Downtown and Rotary Washrooms (open 8am to 8pm daily)
All Pit Toilets and Parks and Trailheads
Basketball Courts
Pickleball Courts
Tennis Courts
Ball Diamonds
Frisbee Golf
Outdoor Rink Structure
Rail Yard Off-Leash Dog Park
School District 5 Fields
School District 5 Basketball Court
What’s Closed in the City of Fernie (updated August 7, 2020)
The following City facilities remain closed or under modified status:
Max Turyk Playground
Max Turyk Soccer Field (closed for maintenance)
Prentice Park Washrooms
Off-Leash Designation in the Annex Dog Park
For clarity: Annex Dog Park is currently designated as an On Leash Park
All City of Fernie Indoor Recreation Facilities
The City of Fernie is supporting the Government of British Columbia’s Restart Plan .
The City is working closely with partners across the region on a coordinated approach for safely re-opening parks, facilities and services.
They appreciate the ongoing patience of the community as we safely restore access to more amenities and services over the coming weeks and months.
Here is the latest COVID-19 message from the Elk Valley Physicians
Backyard Fire Ban Rescinded for City of Fernie
Fernie Fire Rescue has relaxed the ban on backyard fires in the City of Fernie.
The ban on Category 2 and Category 3 Fires is still in effect in line with the Province-wide prohibition on open burning.
Bylaw Enforcement of Public Health Orders
Municipal Bylaw Officers across BC have been directed by the Province to assist with the compliance and enforcement of public health orders related to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
If you have concerns regarding compliance with any of the Public Health Officer’s orders, please contact bylawservices@fernie.ca.
COVID-19 Emergency Response
The monitoring of, and response to, COVID-19 is being led by Local, Provincial and Federal Health Authorities, not local government.
The City has activated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) so that we can support agencies responding to the health emergency, and we are currently supporting the activites of the Interior Health Authority. They have a dedicated team of staff working in conjunction with the Regional Emergency Operations Centre (REOC) to ensure a coordinated response.
The City of Fernie is supporting directives from Provincial and Federal Health Authorities to practice physical distancing and self-isolation to prevent the spread of the disease in our community.
The Regional District of East Kootenay will be providing daily updates on how COVID-19 is affecting our region. See the RDEK updates.
Impacts on City Business?
In response to the provincial health emergency, the City has closed all municipal facilities, playgrounds, sports fields, and outdoor washrooms until further notice. City staff will continue to provide essential services throughout the emergency. City staff are available via email or telephone to assist with inquiries regarding regular city business from Monday- Friday 8am-4pm.
Email: cityhall@fernie.ca
Phone: 250-423-6817
Council will continue to hold regular meetings using remote meeting technology. Following a ministerial order issued by the Province on March 26, the public will be unable to attend these meetings in person, but you are encouraged to watch upcoming Council meetings online. Click here to watch Council meetings live or view recorded meetings.
City Suspends All Off-Leash Dog Park Designations
To help with physical distancing and reduce interactions between people, the City of Fernie has temporarily suspended all off-leash dog park designations.
While the COVID-19 public health emergency persists, dogs are required to be on leash everywhere in the City of Fernie.
Additional COVID -19 Resources
COVID-19 Information Line – 1- 888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) The line is for non-health COVID-19 information. It’s open seven days a week, from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. MST
811 – dial 811 for health related information on COVID-19
211 – dial 211 for support to match seniors whose support network has been affected by COVID-19 with volunteers to help with basic needs like grocery shopping, pharmacy drop offs and check-ins
Crisis Line: 1.888.353.2273 – free, anonymous support
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Online Links:
COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool & App – use this online tool to complete a self-assessment & get updates.
BC Centre for Disease Control – includes information on their testing protocols.
Interior Health – includes information and resources for interior communities
Government of Canada – statistics, travel info and economic and financial supports available federally.
Province of BC Information Hub – links to Provincial supports for non-health information (childcare, travel, employee/employer resources, business support)
I want to help my community. What can I do?
Local, Provincial and Federal Health Authorities are requesting the public to support the reduction of COVID-19 transmission by practicing physical distancing, self-isolation and following recommended personal hygiene guidelines.
If you need help with the pick up of groceries, prescriptions or other essentials, OR if you are a volunteer willing to help others in need, several grassroots initiatives have started in our community. To request assistance or offer your support, please contact the following groups directly.
Elk Valley COVID Support Team – Providing support with grocery and prescription delivery, emotional support and spiritual care
211 – 211 service will take calls from people who would like to volunteer to help seniors in their community with basic needs, including grocery shopping and pharmacy drop-offs and checkins. They will then share it with local community agencies to match seniors and volunteers who live in the same community.
Salvation Army Fernie – Proving food bank services.
Fernie Fresh Food Share – Providing access to fresh and healthy groceries for anyone in the community in partnership with the Salvation Army food bank.