Join other river champions celebrate the ribbon of life that sustains our valley
Sunday, September 26, 2010 1-4 pm, Meeting at the Annex Park, Fernie
September 21, 2010 – Join millions around the world in over 30 countries as part of the 30th annual BC Rivers Day coinciding with World Rivers Day. “People love the Elk River”, says organizer Lee-Anne Walker with the Elk River Alliance. “Every year locals love to fish, float, swim, raft, tube or walk its shores. This is one day to show our appreciation of the river through an act of stewardship and celebration”.
Sunday September 26, 2010, people are asked to marshal at the Annex Park at 1 p.m. Volunteers will be assigned an area to clean up. “This year we are targeting the put in and take out locations along the Elk River for fishing and paddling. Wear work clothes, rubber boots and hiking boots. Don’t forget a rain jacket! Gloves and garbage bags will be handed out to volunteers”, reminds Walker.
All of the Elk River stewards will come back to the Annex Park by 3 p.m. for a community appreciation BBQ and other activities including river rambles/fishy tales storytelling, cutthroat trout kite making, Elk River facts and follies, and face painting.
For more information call: Lee-Anne Walker fernienature@shaw.ca (250) 423-4306 or check out our website www.elkriveralliance.ca