Park Place Lodge

The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is increasing its funding to $500,000 for the Arts, Culture, and Heritage program, administered by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA).

The increase in funding for this year is primarily focused on a number of new heritage programs, making CBT one of the leading supporters of heritage projects in the province. Last year, CBT added a pilot program which supported heritage projects and events which will occur during Heritage Week, February 18-24, 2008.

“CBT is pleased to be able to support the arts, culture, and heritage community in such a significant way this year,” says Garry Merkel, Chair of the CBT Board of Directors. “CBT is committed to creating a legacy in the Basin for future generations and preserving our local heritage is an important part of that. That’s why we are working closely with the heritage sector to develop specific programs to help bridge the gap in funding opportunities and to build on the success of the pilot program.”

Last year, two representatives from the Heritage Federation of South-Eastern BC joined CKCA’s Steering Committee to ensure a direct link to the heritage community.

“Finding funding support is always a challenge and the heritage sector is no different,” says Laurie Charlton of the Heritage Federation of South-Eastern British Columbia. “We are extremely pleased CBT listened and acted on our recommendations by introducing specific programs for heritage projects. CBT’s support will not only help us protect and preserve our local heritage, but also expand our opportunities in heritage tourism.”

The CKCA administers and manages arts, culture, and heritage program funding on behalf of the CBT. The program supports projects in all arts disciplines, including visual art, theatre, music, dance, media, literary, and inter-arts, and includes grants to individuals, as well as to arts, culture, and heritage organizations. Funding applications are adjudicated once a year by local arts councils and the CKCA Steering Committee.

“This boost in funding will go a long way to strengthening and supporting arts, culture, and heritage projects in the Basin, and at the same time, create stability and long-term sustainability for these sectors,” says Jacquie Hamilton, Chair of the CKCA Steering Committee. “We look forward to receiving project applications in all twelve of our funding programs.”

The Arts, Culture and Heritage programs include: project funding for individuals and groups through Community Arts Councils; minor capital project funding; funding support to touring; arts and heritage mentoring/master classes; organizational development; major project funding; artists in education; major exhibition funding; major heritage capital funding; and funding for new heritage projects.

Application forms and program information are available online at <> and are also available from local arts councils or by phoning the CKCA at 1-877-505-7355.

Deadlines for submitting applications are March 20 and April 4, 2008, depending on the program.

Columbia Basin Trust is a regionally-based Crown corporation created in 1995 to deliver economic, social, and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. For more information about the Columbia Basin Trust visit or call 1-500-505-8998.

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