Park Place Lodge

The Search for B.C.’s Best Small Town is calling all Fernie lovers!

CBC Radio One and CBC Vancouver News has launched the Cast your vote for B.C.’s best small town.

Fernie, Creston, Rossland and Smithers are pegged as favourites in the Interior however as with all competitions, there will be surprises.

32 communities in the BC Interior are going head to head, the vote is every Thursday at

Here is CBC’s communication:

We want to know which small town you think is the best, whether you’ve visited it or you’re fortunate enough to live in it!

From March 15 to April 25, channel your provincial pride and cast your vote in The Search for B.C.’s Best Small Town: a 7-week long contest powered by your votes.

How to participate:
From Tuesday through Friday, we’ll highlight a different small town in B.C. (population under 12,000) on CBC Radio One and CBC Vancouver News, with features on

Then it’s up to you! Jump online and click on the daily voting link here to answer polls and vote for your favourite small town. One by one, municipalities will be eliminated based on your votes until the final one is crowned B.C.’s Best Small Town!

Follow the hashtag #BestSmallTownBC on social media and come back to this page Tuesday through Friday to cast your daily vote!

The winning town will be announced on-air on your local CBC Radio One morning show on Friday, April 29th. In addition to earning bragging rights, the winning small town will receive special prizes!

We can do this Fernie!

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