Fall Clubs Registration Sale

Register now for 2014/2015 Kid’s/Adult Clubs, Fall Sale deadline is September 30th. *6 week programs start on January 3/4 2015 […]

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Define Small Town, eh?

In 1890 Fredrick Turner spoke before the US Congress declaring the frontier was tamed. The westward expansion reached the west […]

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Mayor Update: August 2014

City Hall and Council don’t stop work during the summer months, so August passed quickly filled with the usual appointments, […]

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Fernie Bipolar Days

The sun warmed Tuesday to 20 plus. In the evening a few clouds hung on the Lizards creating a multi-hued […]

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Fernie Internment Ceremony

“Remember, Learn, Never Forget Them. One hundred years ago a wave of repression as “enemy aliens” were herded into 24 […]

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Monitoring Jumbo

This summer, Glacier Resorts has announced plans for construction in both the Jumbo and Farnham Valleys. Every year, they have […]

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