Park Place Lodge

The Battle Begins

Today the Elk River Valley crosses an annual threshold for the cutthroat trout living out a winter in the benign […]

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Define Small Town, eh?

In 1890 Fredrick Turner spoke before the US Congress declaring the frontier was tamed. The westward expansion reached the west […]

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Fernie Bipolar Days

The sun warmed Tuesday to 20 plus. In the evening a few clouds hung on the Lizards creating a multi-hued […]

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On the Cusp

We perch on the cusp of summer, about to fall. In the last three days, my crab apple tree moved […]

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And this is Spring

I woke this morning to a hard rain turning harder–into graupel or soft hail. The splash of rain changed to […]

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And the Fat Lady Sang

On a glorious Sunday in April the Fat Lady sang at FAR with the background vocals and chorus supplied by […]

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Avi Roulette

By Keith Liggett A friend spent three days last week flying around the surrounding valleys making a mid-winter wildlife count. […]

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