Residences with garbage stored outside between collection days potentially attracting bears and jeopardizing the safety of the community have been visited in areas with reported bear activity. Bear Aware information was left at the door if residents were not home and addresses are being recorded.

Please be reminded that it is unlawful to store unsecured garbage outdoors in the City of Fernie
Consolidated Waste Regulation Bylaw No. 1845 states
– It is unlawful to place your garbage on the curb prior to 5 am on the day of collection.
– It is unlawful to accumulate, place or store wildlife attractants (garbage, food products, food waste and other accessible, edible products or waste that attracts wildlife) under your carport, on your deck, in your backyard or in such a manner as to promote an increase in bear activity, thereby creating a risk to the safety of the public in the neighbourhood or vicinity. Please dispose of excess waste responsibly, take it to the transfer station.
– Commercial waste dumpsters containing wildlife attractants must be kept closed during the day and secured at the end of each business day to prevent access by wildlife.
By complying with bylaws and keeping your property free of attractants, bears will move on resulting in a safer community and avoiding the unnecessary destruction of bears.