BC Parks are at risk. Bill 4, the Park Amendment Act, would permit industry to carry out “research” in our parks related to pipelines, transmission lines, roads and exploratory drilling.

“Research” sounds safe, but paired with the Park Boundary Adjustment Policy, this is the entry point for the industrialization of our park system. Already, 35 provincial parks have been short-listed for possible boundary changes to accomodate industrial interests.
Bill 4 has already passed 2nd reading in the Legislature since we last contacted you. We need to act fast. Please take a minute (even if you have already sent a previous email) to tell Minister Polak why research changes for industrial activities should NOT be allowed in BC parks!
These proposed changes threaten the wilderness and wildlife values British Columbians have worked so hard to protect in past decades.
Let’s make sure that BC’s parks are enjoyed for future generations. Tell Minister Polak that you want to see BC’s parks protected from industrial development!