Park Place Lodge

The two teams in tonight’s game feature players from the Kootenay Conference (Fernie, Creston, Golden, Kimberley, Invermere, Castlegar, Beaver Valley, Nelson, Spokane and Grand Forks. And the Okanagan Shuswap Conference, (Revelstoke, Kamloops, Sicamous, Armstrong, Osoyoos, Kelowna, Princeton and Penticton If you follow the KIJHL standings closely you will see that the teams seem to be evenly split this season and the top four teams in each division just happen to be the top teams in the KIJHL.

Some of the Prospects of note are Fernie’s “D” Man Kade Pilton -photo- who just turned 16 in November, Rider Caoch Will Verner say’s Pilton will play in the NHL some day . Creston’s top scorer is 17 yr. old Brandon Formosa and he will play tonight . Revelstoke’s 17 year old goalie Garrett Rockafellow 11-4 is on the roster. There are lost of older players in the KIJHL but in Armstrong it’s a young Shawn Holiday who leads his team in scoring as does Penticton’s Dylan Burton . Tanner Clarkson is second on Kelowna’s stat page while Ryan Sookro is BV’s top scorer

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