Park Place Lodge

It’s always a pleasure to present Fernie employees with long service awards especially when the individual is well known for his generosity of spirit and time.

It was apt that on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday February 14, the prestigious long service award gold medal and certificate was presented to firefighter Lieutenant Tom Hopkins of the Fernie Fire Rescue Department during the regular Council meeting.

Tom began his long service as an auxiliary fire fighter with the Department on March of 1989.
At this time he was still working a full time job with the Green Hills Mine and deeply involved with Mine Rescue.

In February of 1999 Tom was hired as a Career Fire Fighter for the Department.

Tom is very passionate about the work he does for Fire Rescue and the community.

Aside from being a fantastic member of the department team he assists with running the PARTY Program, is a member of both Search & Rescue and Critical Incident Stress teams and helps out wherever he can when other volunteer opportunities arise within and outside of the department. He can be seen flipping pancakes at the Tom Uphill Manor or grilling hamburgers at fundraisers or even going to someone’s home to provide some much needed emotional support.

Tom says he is very fortunate to have an understanding, beautiful wife and two loving children who are his “backbone of support”. Council thanks Tom’s wife Kim and their children for their great support but most of all we thank and congratulate Tom on 25 Years of service to this community and look forward to many more years of contribution.

Congratulations Tom!

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