Celebrating 100 years of Mine Rescue in Fernie took a lot of work from the organizing committee however it was a work of love for everyone involved.

Mining has been and is still the backbone of the economy for the Elk Valley but this economic driver touches many other areas of the province and the country as a whole.
This National Western Region competition had 18 teams that came from as far as Ontario, Wyoming USA, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC.
Although organized and greatly supported by the City of Fernie an event such as this especially as it is the largest event of this kind in the country still requires outside support and despite the present economic downturn donations came in and for this as chair of the organizing committee on behalf of our committee and the City of Fernie I want to extend sincere gratitude to the many people and organizations that came through for us with backing in so many ways. I wish I could name each one individually but it would take a couple of pages to do so but I can’t emphasize it enough that without these sponsors we couldn’t have organized the successful event that resulted.
I want to acknowledge the dignitaries that attended the competitions and the evening awards banquet. Minister of Mining and Energy and Core Review Bill Bennett and spouse Beth, Mayor McKerracher and spouse Joanne, Mayor McDougal and spouse Norma, Teck Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer and spouse Leslie, VP Mine Operations Robin Sheremeta, Greenhills Mine Manager Geoff Brick and spouse Chris, and Mine Rescue Coordinator of YT&NWRMRC Co –Chair Ron Ratz, Chief Inspector of Mines Al Hoffman, Chief Judge Jerrold Jewsbury, Chief Judge Alan Day, Chief Judge Mike Henney and Chief Judge Fred Bailey and Karen.
The awards banquet is the culmination of the event as this is the time when teams discover who has won the various tasks competition and it’s always an exciting time.
As Mayor it was my privilege to extend a warm welcome to everyone present and to acknowledge each team individually. Underground teams were from,, BC – New Gold, from Saskatchewan – Mosaic Esterhazy and Mosaic Colonsay, From Manitoba- Hudbay Minerals from North West Territories Diavik- Ekati and Snap Lake Diamond Mine. From Ontario- Alamos Gold.
Surface Teams were; From the USA, North Antelope- Rochelle, Solvay Gillette, Wyoming. From BC, Elkview Coal and Highland Valley Copper, from Alberta Albian Sands Shell and Cardinal River Teck, from Saskatchewan Westmoreland Coal- Poplar River and Mosaic- Belle Plain from the Yukon Minto Mine, Capstone and from the North West Territories Ekati Mine, Dominion Diamonds.
Competitors spend a great deal of time in training and education for this I believe each team member is truly a champion not only because they have already won their respective regional competition but because of their desire and dedication to being involved in this very important field of mine safety. These individuals and their spouses and families need to be thanked for the constant contribution they give to the workplace, to the community and to mine rescue. They truly are to be congratulated and thanked. Below is the list of winners of the competition.