Park Place Lodge
Kerri Wall

Kerri Wall in her home town of Fernie

As the upcoming provincial election draws near, voters in the Kootenay-Rockies face a unique opportunity: they no longer have to choose between voting strategically or voting for their values. In this close 4-way race, voting for Kerri Wall of the BC Green Party is not just a vote for progressive values — it’s a smart choice.

Historically, voters may have felt pressured to vote for “the lesser evil” or cast their ballot for a party they didn’t fully support, out of fear that their preferred candidate wouldn’t stand a chance. However, this election is different. With momentum building for the BC Greens, Kerri Wall is proving to be a serious contender in the Kootenay-Rockies riding.

Wall has participated in three All Candidates Forums in Jaffray, Cranbrook, and Sparwood, where she has consistently proven to be the strongest speaker. She delivers her points clearly, answers the questions directly, and finishes within the time limits—something not all candidates have been able to do. This straightforward and focused approach has impressed voters and demonstrated her ability to effectively communicate and represent the concerns of the community.

“Since 2001, this riding has had an MLA from a right-wing party, and voters have been telling me they would rather have someone who can represent a broader swath of the electorate,” said Wall during a recent forum in Cranbrook. “The Green Party is that choice for more and more people because of our commitment to fiscal responsibility, environmental conservation, and social programs.”

Wall’s experience as a community leader and her deep connection to the Kootenay-Rockies region make her a compelling choice for voters who are ready for real change. Her commitment to tackling the housing crisis, supporting small businesses, and addressing climate change aligns with what voters are seeking in this election.

“Housing is a fundamental human right,” Wall emphasized at the same forum. “We can’t have mental health without housing, we can’t solve the addictions crisis without housing, and we can’t face climate change without stable housing.” Wall is focused on ensuring that the province directly funds municipalities to manage homelessness and create solutions that work for the people of BC.

As the race tightens, Wall is reassuring voters that choosing the BC Green Party is no longer a “wasted vote.” “This time, you can confidently vote for the candidate and party you believe in. I’m here to represent the people of this riding and advocate for policies that prioritize our health, wellbeing, and economic security,” Wall said.

The BC Green Party’s platform includes bold measures to address housing, climate change, and healthcare, all while maintaining fiscal responsibility. “We need to stop subsidizing the big polluters and focus on clean energy solutions,” Wall said. “The fossil fuel industry is the number one polluter, and we have the technology and know-how to make real progress—we just need the political will.”

This election is an opportunity for voters to confidently choose the BC Greens without fear of splitting the vote or wasting their chance to have their voices heard. The momentum is real, and Kerri Wall is ready to represent the Kootenay-Rockies with a fresh, people-first approach.

For more information, visit Kerri Wall’s Website or check out the BC Green Party’s 2024 platform.

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